الجمعة، 13 فبراير 2015

How to Improve your english!!.

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم.

You know when you have to learn a new language it seem difficult in the first and then it will get easy by the time.at the end you have to improve it , With a little diligence, you can be talking like a near-native in no time and I’m gonna help you!

1-Listen! someone told me that”listening is the most difficult skill to learn and the most important to have.” listen to any thing good speaking english like news or cooking stuff … bla bla bla any thing you like ..Listen to the radio The BBC World Service is just one excellent source of spoken English.Just streaming English all the time can help you learn it passively.

2-speak!! If you have a few friends who are great at speaking English, hang out with them!you must avoid your native language as much as possible, and don’t be afraid to make mistakes ! if you wanna learn and be good you have to take risks If you don't, you won't learn what's right and wrong.Most people stop learning because They're afraid to talk, they're afraid to go outside their comfort zone don’t be like them be strong and don’t be shy about everything.
3-Read!! read anything you see commercials , news papers but Some newspapers use more complex language than others, so choose the right one for you and  buy books novels ,sorties ,cookbooks any thing you like.!

4-write!! if you can read you can write.write your diary and chatting with your friends in english.Keep a notebook as you go about your day, there's bound to be some English words that you run into that you don't fully understand. down the word and then you can look it up.,and If your teacher talks and talks and you remember nothing, you can start taking notes.it will help you.

5-Watch English language Television and movies are good. Watch with subtitles at first and then without them as you gain confidence 
finally my advice to you .
Keep the TV to English, keep the radio to English, keep everything to English as much as possible.